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How to Automatically Record Calls for Specific Numbers on Android Phones

The ability to record calls is a feature that many smartphone users need, as it is often the most effective solution for retaining information during voice calls. While there are many apps designed for this purpose, available for free to Android users, most lack a highly sought-after feature: automatically recording calls when making calls to specific contacts. This eliminates the need to tap the record button before initiating the call. Fortunately, most Android phones come equipped with this feature, but it's disabled by default. In this article, we'll go over how to enable it and the available alternatives if your phone doesn't have this feature.

Automatically Recording Calls

Most Android phones come with call recording functionality built into the default phone app, but its availability varies by region, depending on whether call recording is legal or considered a violation of privacy. To see if your phone has this feature, simply make a call. On the call screen, you'll find a "Start Recording" button. Tapping it will immediately record the call. However, if you want your phone to record calls automatically from specific numbers, you can configure this in the call recording settings, as described below. Note that we used a Samsung Galaxy S24 Plus for this demonstration.

Enabling Automatic Call Recording

Naturally, the method for enabling this feature will differ between Android phones due to variations in user interface. However, you'll generally find the same options, often with the same names, as long as your phone supports call recording. For example, if you have a modern Samsung phone, you can enable automatic call recording for specific contacts by launching the "Phone" app, then tapping the menu button (⋮) in the upper left corner and choosing "Settings" from the drop-down menu. Next, navigate to the "Recording Calls" section, which will take you to the call recorder settings page.

On the following screen, you can choose whether you want to receive a notification after a recorded call ends. The most important option here is "Auto record calls." Tap it and select the conditions for automatic recording. You can record calls coming from any number, unsaved contacts, or specific numbers. Select the "Specific numbers" option. Then tap "Numbers to auto record" to add numbers or contacts you want your phone to automatically record calls from. From here, you can add a new number or choose a number that's already in your call log or saved contacts.

Once you've completed these steps, simply wait until you receive or initiate a phone call with any of the contacts listed. Your phone will automatically record both incoming and outgoing audio the moment the call begins. Similarly, the recording will stop immediately when the call ends. If you've enabled the "Show notification after recording" option from the call recorder settings screen, you'll receive a notification saying "Call recorded." You can tap this to go to the location where the audio file is saved on your phone to listen and review the call content.

Using the ACR App to Record Calls

Record Calls

If your Android phone doesn't come with built-in call recording functionality or supports it but doesn't allow automatic recording for specific numbers, you can utilize external solutions like the free Automatic Call Recorder ACR app, a popular call recording app for Android devices. The app boasts numerous helpful and impressive features, including the ability to automatically record calls from specific contacts.

To enable this feature, simply launch the app and go to the "Settings" panel after tapping the "More" menu at the bottom, then tap "Record Mode" and disable the "Record for contacts" option to access the "Contacts to record" option. Tap it and click the plus sign (+) to select the contacts you want the app to automatically record calls from. The app will run constantly in the background until a call is made to the designated contacts, at which point it will record and save the call without your intervention.