SEO tools are not a luxury in SEO, but a necessity due to the valuable information they provide and the tremendous time and effort they save. For example, SEO tools enable you to study competing websites thoroughly, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and the keywords they are targeting.
They also help in understanding audience preferences, what related topics they are searching for, and what pieces of content have performed well on social media. These tools can also detect gaps in your site, flaws in content text, and suggest appropriate revisions while considering Google's preferred search engine optimization practices. The article "The Best SEO Tools Used by Professionals" reviews a group of these leading tools, explaining their benefits, areas of use, as well as download links and pricing.
Detailed Guide: Everything You Want to Know About Google Algorithms
If you want to understand how the search engine ranks billions of pages on the web, what the ranking system is, and how Google penalizes websites that violate its algorithm, then the article "Everything You Want to Know About Google Algorithms" is a detailed guide.
The article reviews Google algorithm updates chronologically, taking you on a journey through the essence of the update and how to comply with it. Throughout this journey, you will discover the main milestones that the algorithms have gone through, what problem the update came to address, as well as the main sources from which we know about the new updates, and what should be done when a new update is released.
How to Prepare Your Site for Google's Page Experience Update?
Since you're in the process of learning SEO, you should not be unaware of what is called "Google updates." Google has been constantly and frequently updating its algorithms since the search engine was first launched in 2000 until now. These are the updates that bring new elements to website ranking in search results. Everyone holds their breath with each major new update, anticipating the results it will produce.
The article "How to Prepare Your Site for Google's Page Experience Update?" addresses the Page Experience update, explaining its nature, what ranking factors it gives the most attention to, and outlining the steps that need to be taken to comply with the new update so that it leads to an improvement in your website's ranking in search results, not the opposite.
The Most Common SEO Myths
SEO, at its core, is a battle of wits with the search engine. Understand the criteria of the battle and the rules of the game, and then start taking the most effective and powerful actions. However, a lot of misinformation floats around the world of SEO due to lack of experience, reliance on old practices, or following dirty game rules.
Google does not tolerate any SEO myths and shuts the door on them without hesitation. Because of this, anyone who wants to learn SEO needs to be aware of this misinformation so that they don't waste their efforts on wrong practices. If they don't help, they could harm. These myths are explained in detail in the article "The 10 Most Common SEO Myths."
These were some of our most prominent articles on the Mustaqil blog, helping you learn SEO. Add them to your reading list to build a strong foundation of knowledge about the world of search engine optimization. We hope you enjoy your reading.